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Construction Method For Close-board Fencing 

Each post should be positioned vertically and approximately 1.8 m from centre post to centre post, to a depth of 600mm. To secure the posts in place, use x2 20kg bags of quick-setting Post Crete. Once set, the next stage is to position and fix the treated timber gravel boards at the base of the fence using 75mm decking screws. Position and attach the beveled-rails evenly apart to the vertical posts. Next, position the feather-edging vertically and overlap them by 25mm. Fix them in place with a nail through the overlapping section and into the bevel rails. Finally, position the capping rail to the top of the fence and fix in place with nails.
Scroll down to see the full how to build a close board fence guide.  

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Before you start, you will need

Hardware Tools
  • Digging Spade 

  • Root Cutter (If in ground where roots are abundent). 

  • Rake 

  • Hand Saw 

  • String line 

  • Drill (Plus relevant screw Fixings) 

  • 10cm spacer 

  • Timber (Cut to 1.7m) 

  • Timber (6 x 1.5 meter sections)

  • Paintbrush 

  • Line marker paint 

  • Spirit level (1m minimum)

  • Nail Gun (not essential but this will make the project  quicker and easier

Wooden Planks
  • 1x 10 x 10 mm treated timber post. (remember to order 1 extra for the end of the fence). 

  • x2 20kg bags of Post Crete (remember to order 2 extra for the end of the fence). 

  • x.5 3.6m treated timber Gravel boards. (150mm tall)

  • x1.5 3.6m beveled rails 

  • x20 1.65m Feather-edged (based on 125mm in diameter feather-edging with a 25mm overlap.

  • x1 2m Capping rail. 

  • x16 75mm exterior wood screws per post. 

  • Bitumen paint (approximately 65ml per post. 

  • x60 50mm Galvanised nails

Preparation of the site 

Take a linear measurement of the proposed fence, round up to the nearest 1.8m to allow for the correct calculation of materials. For example, if the measurement comes to 5m, you should round up to 5.4m. Next, run a string line to the length and direction of your new fence. Check the line of the new fence for any obstacles such as tree roots and branches. It is a good idea at this point to mark out where the posts are to go; this could help identify any issues you may encounter later on in the project. 

Once you understand the project and feel you know how to build a close board fence, you can order the materials. It is essential to order an extra post for the entire length of the fence. 

Setting out the fence posts 

Install the two posts at each end of the fence, the hole for the post should be three times as wide as the post. Dig the hole to an approximate depth of 750mm and add 50mm of shingle to allow for drainage. Before installing the post, you should paint from the base up to 700mm with Bitumen paint. Finally, position the post in the ground to a depth of 700mm and fix in place using two bags of quick setting Post Crete. The post depth is based on a 1.8m fence and 2.4m posts. This method should leave 1.7m above the ground. 

Post Hole Dimentions

Once the posts have set, install two string lines. Postion the first line to the top of the two posts, this is to help set the height of the remaining posts. The second line should be set approximately 500mm at the front of the fence from ground level to aid with post-placement. Mark on the ground the 1.8 meters from centre post to the centre post. It is essential to measure a shorter distance of 1.75m or less from the first two and the last two posts. 

marking out a fence post hole
How to build a close board fence

Fence DIY & Advice 

If you are looking for a step-by-step guide to build a fence yourself, then please click below.

how to build a close board fence leveling
Marking the center of a post hole
marking out a post hole with line marker

Installing the timber posts  

Paint the base of each post with Bitumen paint up to 750mm, this can increase the longevity of the posts. Dig a hole 1.75m from the centre of the first post to the centre of the second one. The hole should be 3 times as wide as the post. Based on a 1.8m finish height, the post should be 2.4m. The hole should be dug to an approximate depth of 750mm.

Fill the first 50mm of the hole with gravel to aid drainage. Position the post 1.75m from centre post to centre post. Use the plumb line installed earlier to ensure the post is square to the fence line. (keep the post just off the string line). Next use your spirit level to ensure the post is straight in both directions, attach two sections of timber to hold the post in position. At this stage, it is a good idea to check the post again is straight and at the desired height. Pure in two bags of quick setting Post Crete and add water, check the post is straight again and adjust if necessary. Install the remaining posts 1.8m from centre post to centre post using the same method above to dig the holes and secure the post. 

*Please note the first and the last sections should have no greater distance than 1.75m from centre post to centre post. This is so the horizontal sections of timber finish at the end of the first and last posts, not in the centre. 

How to build a closeboard fence.

Installing the timber posts  

Cut sections of 100x50mm timber to an approximate length of 150mm position them 1.55m from the top of each post and fix them in place using decking screws. 

Place the 3.6m long gravel boards, from the outside edge or the first post to the centre of the third post. Line the top up with the spacers and fix them in place using decking screws; use two screws to attach them to the spacers. Next place the first 3.6m long beveled rail 50mm above the top of the gravel board. Fix the timber rails to the post using decking screws. Again the rails should come to the edge of the first post and the centre of the rest. Install the remaining lower rails and Install the second level of bevelled rails 600mm from the top of the lower rails to the bottom of the second level. Do the same again to the top rail (when installing the rails, stagger them as this will make the fence stronger).

Attaching the feather cladding

Place the first timber feather edging vertically at the start of the fence line. Rest the bottom of cladding on the top of the gravel board. Check the section of cladding is vertical using your plumb line and nail through the thickest end into the 3 beveled rails. 


Overlap the second section of timber by 25mm and nail through the overlapping sections into the beveled rails. Continue with this method for the rest of the fence - be sure to use your spirit level throughout the process to ensure the cladding is straight. Finally, attach the capping rail to the top of the fence and nail through the top into the overlapping cladding sections.

You have reached the end of your project, we hope our guide for Construction Method For Close-board Fencing was helpful!

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